RED_ORCA is an all-in-one physical and wireless network debugging tool.

The RED_ORCA project is very much an "on going" project.

A photo of the red_orca display screen. A photo of the red_orca wifi scanning drone.

Feature List (At A Glance)

RED_ORCA Image Gallery

A photo of the red_orca system running on a battery pack. A photo of the red_orca drone wifi scanner data display screen. A photo of the red_orca wifi scanning drone in flight.
A photo of the red_orca remote node wifi scanner data display screen. A photo of the red_orca remote node wifi scanner data display screen. A photo of the red_orca uri generator display screen.
A photo of the red_orca random service discovery engine display screen. A photo of the red_orca random service discovery engine display screen.


Further Information

If you would like to know more about the project, please feel free to contact me via any of the methods below.